
Name Role
Jiří Louda Czech coordinator
Michaela Tauferová Czech assistant
Lukas Mader Austrian coordinator


Course description

basic information and contacts

Course description.doc basic information about the W/S School and CZ-AT EEG
AssessmentRubric.doc How will be the course valuated

Winter School in Prague

programme and lectures

Programm_WS_2011c.xls programme of the Winter School
Ajanovic_Transport.ppt Ajanovic: Environmental aspects of energy in transport and future perspectives
Gruenner_Architecture_Part-I.pdf Gruenner: Eco-efficient buildings and architecture (Part 1)
Gruenner_Architecture_Part-II.pdf Gruenner: Eco-efficient buildings and architecture (Part 2)
Tesitel_Temelin.ppt Tesitel: Nuclear Power Plant Temelin - Social Dimension
Haas_eletrocity economics.ppt Haas: Electrocity economics
Schleicher_Energy System in 2050.ppt Schleicher: Today’s decisions for the coming energy system in 2050
Knapek_Renewable energy sources.ppt Knápek: System Aspects of Renewable Energy Sourcesand Promotion Schemes

Summer School in Graz

programme and lectures

Programm_Summer-School_2011.xls programme of the Summer School
Knapek_RES_inCZ_GrazJune2011_Final.ppt Power Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and The Czech Republic
Narodoslawsky_biofuels-chech-austria-graz-2011.ppt Sustainable Production of Bio-Fuels and Bio Commodity Products
Jungmeier summer school 20110531-Handout.pdf Electric Vehicles as an Element of a Sustainable Mobility
Radovic_Wegener_SOLID-partI.pdf Large Solar Thermal Systems - part I
Radovic_Wegener_SOLID-partII.pdf Large Solar Thermal Systems - part II
Streicher_Energieautarkie_fuer_Oesterreich_2050.pdf Energy Autarky for Austria in 2050: Feasibility study
Streicher_Winter_Summer_e_eff_build_renew_2011.pdf Low Energy Buildings and Renewable Energy Use

Seminar papers

final versions of the seminar papers

PaperGuidelines.doc How to write your paper
Teams-and-topics.xls Bilateral teams, topic of papers and research questions
Schedule_and_deadlines.doc List of important deadlines for your paper
Bejbl_Surzhikova_Gruber-Co-firing of Fossil Fuel with Biomass.docx Final paper
Bems_Schury_Sokol_Impact of Renewable Regulation on Companies.doc Final paper
Buryan-Kozina_High Level Electricity from Renewables.doc Final paper
Grycova_Kandler-Production of Biofuels in AT & CZ and its Impact on the Food Market.docx Final paper
Kralik_Kittl-Energy Security in Austria and the Czech Republic.docx Final paper
Sikyta_Kammerlander-Possibilities of Nuclear Renaissance, Conflicts, Risks and Benefits.doc Final paper
Smejkal_Kallsperger-Impact of EU CO2 Trading Scheme on Energy Sector.docx Final paper
Cerpes_Tezner_Loun-The Sustainability of Electricity Market.odt Final paper
Mader_Matousova-Liberalization and Competition on the Energy Market in CZ and AT.docx Final paper
Kralik_Kittl_Energy Security in Austria and the Czech Republic.docx Final paper
Pierer_Harnych-Energy from Waste Incineration.doc Final paper

Students` presentations

final version of the students` presentations

Buryan_Kozina_High Level Electricity from Renewables.ppt Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Cerpes_Tezner_Loun_The sustainability of electricity market in the-final.pptx Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Gruber_Essilfie_Bejbl_Surzhikova_Co-firing of Biomass with Coal in Power Plants.ppt Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Grycova_Kandler_project paper Production of biofuels in AT & CZ.pptx Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Kammerlaner_Sikyta_Possibilities of nuclear renaissance.pptx Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Kralik_Kittl_Enerergy security in AT and CZ.pptx Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Matousova_Mader_Liberalization and competition on the energy market.pptx Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Pierer_Harnych_Gruenwald_Energy From Waste Incineration.ppt Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Bems_Schury_Impact of Renewable Regulation on Companies.pptx Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz
Smejkal_Kallsperger_Impact of EU CO2 trading scheme on energy.pptx Presentation of bilateral paper in Graz


Photos from Winter and Summer School

Winter School - Photos from Winter School in Prague
Summer School - Photos from Summer School in Graz
© IREAS 2013 & design by: Jana Hradcova & code by: Karel Safr