About us
The joint Czech-Austrian Energy Expert Group (CZ-AT EEG) was appointed by both governments at the end of 2002 to establish the so-called “Energy Partnership” mentioned in Chapter III of the “Protocol on the Negotiations between the Czech and the Austrian Governments, led by Prime Minister Zeman and Federal Chancellor Schüssel, with the Participation of Commissioner Verheugen from the EU” signed on December 12, 2000 in Melk, Austria. The aim of this group is to jointly study the problems of energy supply and consumption and sustainable development in both countries. It consists of a number of energy experts from different Czech and Austrian universities and institutes. The CZ-AT EEG is convening at regular meetings both in Austria and the Czech Republic and is jointly working on energy projects of mutual interest. The Czech-Austrian Energy Expert Group
- exposes topics of innovative energy policy,
- organizes common workshops,
- arranges discussions,
- prepares winter and summer schools and educational courses at the universities and colleges,
- elaborates expert studies,
- issues expert publications and
- pursues other activities